
Light the Night for Workers Rights Vigil

“We call upon this place of business to repent and be redeemed, to turn from selfish and greedy ways to a way of business that benefits all – guests, workers, managers, corporate executives and investors.

I stand and speak to remind us all that the choices we make and the actions we take in this life, on this earth, are of ultimate concern.  The way we live—as individuals, families, businesses, societies and nations—matters to God.  God cares.  God cares, intensely, about justice and righteousness in the workplace.  God judges the unjust; God judges the greedy corporate executives and business managers who treat their employees unjustly.  The Word of God calls out:

Do not heap up for yourselves piles of profits to satisfy your greed; rather, hear and heed
the voice of the prophets who speak the truth of God’s reign of justice for all.

We call upon this place of business to repent and be redeemed, to turn from selfish and greedy ways to a way of business that benefits all –investors, corporate executives, managers, workers, and guests.”  – Pastor Petersen at the boycott Hilton vigil


Over 50 community members, lit the street by candlelight, and endured single digit temps & biting wind to show support for good jobs in Alaska, Alaska workers & Alaska job standards.

“A Thousand candles can be lit from a single candle. The life of the candle will never be shorted by sharing its light."


A delegation of Anchorage housekeepers, community leaders and supporters move inside the Hilton hotel to deliver a letter about respecting Alaska job standards & treating Alaska workers with dignity and respect.

Solidarity Rally with AFL-CIO President Trumka

Solidarity March & Rally with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

UniteHERE President Marvin Jones with NW Regional Director Rick Sawyer, Alaska AFL-CIO President Vince Beltrami & AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka



Thank you to everyone: who helped make this a great success, for your continued support of the workers and good jobs in Alaska, and the worker-called boycotts at the Sheraton Anchorage & Anchorage Hilton hotels.



It’s been over 3 long years since workers at the Sheraton and Hilton have had a wage increase

AK AFL-CIO President Vince Beltrami addresses the crowd at the rally in front of the Anchorage Hilton where workers have been fighting for a fair contract for over 3 years



Chants of ‘What’s disgusting? Union busting! What’s outrageous? Poverty Wages!’ could be heard for blocks

Workers & supporters line the street surrounding the Kentucky-owned Anchorage Hilton









Support the boycotts by not eating, sleeping, or attending meetings at these hotels until workers can resolve a fair contract with their Kentucky-based (Hilton) and Texas-based (Sheraton) employers.

AFL-CIO President Trumka speaks to the crowd about how employers like the Texas-owned Sheraton Anchorage & Kentucky-owned Anchorage Hilton, are a cancer.

You can find more photos from the rally on our Facebook Page

6-Hour picket at Sheraton Anchorage

Supporting Labor in Alaska

Scabby the Rat assumes his rightful position with picketers at the Sheraton Anchorage

Texas-owned & managed Sheraton is not above the law!



One of our 'junior' members shows his support on the bull horn 'No contract! No peace!'





Treat workers with dignity!


Respect Alaska job standards!

Steady flow of workers, supporters, a couple of politicians, and a dog came to support and picket on this cool, rainy Alaska day


Settle Unfair Labor Practices Now!



Stop the appeals!